Clinton Door

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Snips & Snails & Puppy Dogs Tails!!

November 13, 1980...5am...we are on our way to the hospital. 11:46am...we welcomed a beautiful baby boy in our lives, Joshua Bryan Blount. He was a crier!, a screamer!!! He wailed....he was red faced...he was beautiful...I was a little scared! November 18....this beautiful baby boy was coming home...weighing 5 lbs. 11 oz...he was a tiny little thing...and make such a big noise when he was not happy!!! I was excited to have this beautiful baby boy come into our lives... we were committed to raising him to love the Lord his God with all his heart, mind, soul. We stood on this scripture: Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up Deuteronomy 14: 18-19. We took this very seriously...we talked about the Lord every way. Josh grew...slow, but he grew. He was a tiny little guy....yet very opinionated...we saw his strong spirit to never give up before he turned one. He was a joy, even in the midst of his strong-willed spirit! Brother, Jacob, came along in 1983...he wanted us to take him back to the hospital!! They are very close today and for this I am very thankful!! They are two different kind of guys who respect each other....encourage each other. 

Fast forward 30 years....May 22, 2011. This beautiful baby boy is now a good-looking man. Where did life take him to this point? He has grown in his faith...he has struggled in his faith...he loves ministry. He loves discipleship. He comes alive in ministry. God is moving him to Fairhope, Alabama to being ministry with the youth at Fairhope UMC. We are excited for Josh...and know that each day will continue to grow him - Our prayer is that his life will continue to grow deeper in faith....his wisdom would come from God and God alone...he would have discernment in leading these youth....these youth would come to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind and soul. Which takes me to my next thought: how we live our life has an eternal impact. What kind of life am I living now that will continue impacting the world for Jesus Christ? My job as a parent is not job as a believer is ever-continuing. How intentional I am I in my faith? What am I doing that grows my faith? They say that wisdom comes with experience...and yes, age (ouch, that hurt)! I know my life has experienced much pain..and much joy. Through each one of these, I do believe my life is richer and has made me who I am. It has been what helped me become the mother that I am. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Today started out with a bang!! And I am not talking about firecrackers, although I was frustrated enough to set a few off! Woke up at 4:15 am listening to Buddy rummage around his nightstand...with a flashlight. "what are you doing, buddy?"...he was trying to find his keys to open the gym. So, nice wife I am...I get up to help him. Well that hunt took me on a cold and awkward ride! No keys...he rides to the gym to inform his early risers that the gym will not be open until mid-morning. Then I get a call from him, asking me to check my car to see if he left them there. I headed out the door and realized how cold it I mosey back in to get a coat and decided to put on shoes as well....but still in my pj's. I grab my car key and head out to my car, shutting the door behind me. Yep, you guessed it! I locked myself out of the house! Not one door was unlocked! My cell phone begins to ring....and it's sitting on the baker's rack inside the kitchen. Alot of help that does me!!! So, I am waiting to see if Buddy comes back home. In the meantime, I fetch a hammer and a metal mallet....I'm gonna bust the window out in my kitchen door. I thought again, and decided I would go to the gym to find Buddy. Well..guess what?? He wasn't there! Here I am, in my pj's wondering what in the heck am I going to do. We could be riding back and forth never crossing each other....Ahhh, Daylight Donuts is across the street! CLOSED and no money to buy me a donut!! Walmart to the I go and enter the building looking for someone to ask if I could use the phone! They probably thought I was a vagabond!! Thankfully I had my flannel, plaid pj's on and real shoes! Get Bud on the phone..tell him where I'm at....head back to the house. Well....guess what??? He doesn't have a key to the house!! He pulls out his credit card and we go. We spent the next hour pulling every key out of drawers, nooks, crannies to see which one fits. Now, you would think we would have one key for all the doors..but somehow, that important fact was overlooked. By the time we tried the 20th key..BINGO...we found one. And eventually found one for each are of the house. But, we ended up with a container full of about 30 keys that we don't have a clue what they go to!

Moral of this story: get yer life in order, sister!!!! Clean out those closets, declutter the garage, get rid of all this stuff and make your life Simple! Interesting...that is our theme at Cornerstone this year: Simple Church....and our sermon series is: how do we use our time. My time will be used more effectively this year. I am going to be intentional in what I do. I'll keep you posted!