I received an email today from a friend...she was asking how to encourage someone who is struggling with hearing God. This is what the Lord gave me and as always when pondering such a question, my faith was encouraged - He has a way of doing that, doesn't He?
God has been speaking to people since the beginning of time - there is Moses, David, Abraham, King Solomon, Paul, John, Peter, on and on....As believers, He speaks to each of us through his Holy Spirit. I believe He does whisper in our ear - sometimes loud - we must know the Word to understand what these whispers are. So the real question is: what are we filling our hearts and minds with? The world is inundating us with false hope and truths....if we are not filling ourselves with the Truth, we will become confused on what is right and what is not. Living life with a constant awareness of who He is, breathing His word and acknowledging His presence always guarantees hearing his voice.
He loves each of us with an everlasting love and I believe He is the "Hound of Heaven"....meaning he doesn't stop looking to feed us with direction, love and truth - He never leaves us nor forsakes us. God speaks to each of us differently because we are not like one another. It may be through a friend, it may be through music, it may be through a walk in the park.....All too often we expect to hear him through the burning bush or the wool thrown out to catch the dew, something dramatic.
I have heard God speak to me...audibly....in different ways: some specific words: I love you with an everlasting love; I am with you, trust me; I have already paid your ransom and set you free, get up and walk in freedom. I believe He speaks to each of us but we can be too busy to hear, too hurt to listen, or we can be too stubborn living life out our own way.
Anger has a way of smothering out what is good for our souls.....and how do you reach the point of not being angry anymore? I have asked myself this question when I am going through the fire.....God's Word.....fellowship with other believers....study & prayer....easy answers, aren't they? But stepping into that can be challenging as our stubborn pride keeps us from walking forward. Satan just wants to destroy us by keeping us defeated!
The bottom line: He just wants our hearts....He wants us to keep our eyes on Him....to trust Him even when we can't see. It is hard sometimes....that is why we walk in faith....believing what we can't see:
God is who He says He is,
God can do what He says He can do,
I am who God says I am,
I can do all things through Christ,
God's word is active and alive in me.
Beth Moore
Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.
My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end
~ Psalm 119: 111-112 ~